thankthatstar wrote in
Feb 16, 2010 23:56
crashandburn: you're not alone,
face: relaxed,
hair: wet,
hair: lovely,
yr gonna get so wet!,
clothes: t-shirt,
action: being pretty,
dose of vitamin t,
hair: porcupiney (but not badly spiked),
taylor: is perfect,
action: glowing,
holy shizz tay: your neck,
face: fresh,
clothes: shirt that should be illegal,
justine: almost licked the screen,
things we ♥: his chin dimple!!,
lights love tay,
action: posing for the photogs,
face: lipssss,
action: being sexy,
cibele: can't breathe,
clothes: just get nekkid already,
um secks me,
photoshoots: rolling stone,
blinded by the light,
face: um secks me,
things we ♥: his face,
things we ♥: taylor in general,
blakeleigh: will freak out with squees,
we love outtakes,
face: i can't even handle it,
face: killing me,
location: some beach somewhere,
oh taylor we're drooling right now,
holy shizz tay: you're wet,
elyssa: can't even handle it,
your mouth: i want to ravish it,
face: pretty,
clothes: soaking wet,
face: why so srs?,
holy shizz tay: your lips,
holy shizz tay: your collarbone